Bollywood actor-producer Zayed Khan, who ventured into production with "Love Breakups Zindagi", is now set to produce his
second film, an action comedy.
"My next film coming from my production house is an action comedy. We are in the scripting stage right now, " Zayed Khan told to
The film's cast is yet to be decided.
"We haven't boiled down on who is in the film. I am dying to do the film. But I will have to audition for it. We want cool, edgy
characters. I am excited to be part of it, " said Zayed.
The 31-year-old seems to be loving his part as a producer.
"When you are producing a film, you actually control the taste and class of the film. How to introduce the villain, what will unnerve
you... you could build on these things and make a film better, " he added.
Zayed turned producer with his good friend, actress Dia Mirza and her beau Sahil Sanga. Together, they launched production
company Born Free Entertainment last year.
He says Dia better be happy with the fact that their second film is not romantic, but an action-comedy.
"Dia has to be happy because the first film 'Love Breakups Zindagi' was made of her choice, " he said.
Monday, April 23, 2012 12:32 IST